Sunday, July 17, 2022

I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me

Several years ago, as a teenager, I didn't particularly like this verse.

Wait, what?

Yeah, I know. That's bad.

My family and I had been going through a lot of difficulties. Feeling insecure, I was probably not in the best emotional state. When one of my dad's friends sent us some books and items from his store, he also sent some thingies (I don't know the correct word) that go on a keychain and have encouraging words or verses. One of these thingies had the words "I can do all things through Christ" or something of that nature, while another said something along the lines of, "Your God will bless you." When my mom handed me the one about doing all things through Christ, I gave it back and opted for the other choice.

Why did I do that?

I believe there may have been a few reasons. But instead of stating them directly, I'll instead state truths from God's word that I now love and embrace and trust to a degree I didn't in the past:

First, as a Christian, I have the promise that all things will work together for my good. God is all wise and He loves me. If He allows a trial into my life, it is for my good.

Second, God is generous to me. He gives me good things. He rejoices in good and hates evil. He loves it when I love Him and others. He delights in my prosperity and has compassion for me. Sure, the world is fallen, but that doesn't change God.

Third, faith is a great thing. When viewed biblically, challenges and difficulties lose their impossible image. I am an overcomer because Christ overcame. Whatever problems may come my way, God will give me the grace to face them. When I have faith, thinking things like this doesn't cause fear, but comfort because whether I abound or am in need, Christ holds me.

Fourth, I am not special in the sense that what I face is unique. Jesus was tempted in all the ways that I am. And other believers face trials too.

Fifth, I am commanded to rejoice always, to think on that which is good, to surrender my trials to God, and to not worry. What positive thinking God expects of me!

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!

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