Monday, April 20, 2020

Freedom in a Debt-Enslaved World, Introduction

During the next several weeks, I will, Lord willing, be posting a series about debt.

Why write on debt? Ultimately, to seek to advance the Kingdom of God, which brings glory to God and joy to mankind.

Here are some specific reasons:
  1. To encourage those who desire to avoid debt. I believe that with the Lord's blessing, Bible-based brainstorming and perseverance can result in tremendous blessings.
  2. To challenge these assumptions:
    1. Debt is good. Many Christians don't seem to give a second thought to taking out loans for cars, houses, or even clothes. In fact, loans seem to be prized; they are frequently sought as if they were the key to a good life. Is this biblical? It is not.
    2. Debt is normally a necessity. I've heard Christian leaders say that loans should generally be avoided, but this is usually caveated with, "except for a house" or something similar, as if it's impossible to live debt-free.
Should debt always be avoided? Could there be good debt? Is it a sin to be in debt? How could someone pay for cars, a house, and more without a loan? These are some of the questions I will examine in this series.

Before diving into specifics, some principles must be set down. Usually, once a clear principle is known, specific applications or questions are obvious or easier to resolve. At the very least, what to aim for becomes clear. Because of this, the first few parts of this series will be more general in nature. Only then, will some of the wonderful strategies on how to live free be examined.

Edit: This series is meant primarily for believers, those who have had their eternal debts paid. If you are not a believer, I encourage you to read or other Christian resources.

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